Gender (or sex) role stereotype refers to the views and expectations established by the society on gender role, ability, personality and behavior. Traditional society has certain expectation towards both female and male on family role, career, personality, appearance, behavior and interest. Each individual and the raising generations are being influenced under the impacts of media which greatly shapes the views and expectations of the society on gender role stereotype. Having expectation on gender role can provide a standard for the public to learn to become a person that is socially accepted. However, it may cause confusion on gender identity to many individuals. If a person is not being accepted by others because s/he does not fit in the expected gender role, s/he may become depressed, pressured, and have low self-esteem. Because of the limitations from gender role stereotype, young people cannot develop personal skills based on their interests. In interpersonal relationship, people may choose friends based on their gender, and hold discrimination towards those who do not fit in the gender role. The society holds different views and expectations toward female and male. Thus, it causes gender inequality in human rights and freedom. In 1995, the United Nations pursued the global movement of “Gender Mainstreaming” through the Beijing Platform for Action, ensuring male and female are able to equal in receiving social resources and opportunity. In 2015, the Hong Kong SAR government and departments follows the “Gender Mainstreaming”, and promote gender equality to the public.
鄭天儀. (2017, 2017-09-16, December 23). 港產芭蕾男舞動法國 林雋永:越難越愛. 蘋果日報.
個個都追夢,唔通個個都追到夢咩?剛滿20歲的香港仔林雋永,稚氣未脫已完成了他的夢想,由香港草根躍進了殿堂級的「巴黎歌劇院芭蕾舞學校」(Paris Opera Ballet),更被收錄為該舞蹈團三百多年歷史以來首位港人及華人團員,鋒芒嶄露。雋永在法國用汗水換來的豈止是舞壇少有的一張終身制合約?還是職業舞者夢寐以求的安全感。他的待遇猶如公務員,42歲退休後仍可領取長俸。
當職業芭蕾舞者,是雋永十歲起朝思暮想的夢。 引文
鄺展衡 、 曾柏熊. (2016, 2016-05-01, January 01). 男隊女帥創歷史 「牛丸」陳婉婷軟實力治軍. 香港01.
England, P. (2005). Gender inequality in labor markets: The role of motherhood and segregation. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 12(2), 264–288.
This article provides an overview of gender inequality in labor markets in the United States. 引文
Simpson, R. (2004). Masculinity at Work:The Experiences of Men in Female Dominated Occupations. Work, Employment and Society, 18(2), 349–368.