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Mediums and Narrative Practice

Research Invitation and Consent Form

Mediums and Narrative Practice is a research project owned by humansWeb, a government-sanctioned charity (IRD Charity File No. 91/17589) that aims to promote public psychological health and social cohesion through storytelling.  Research data will be used for the benefit of the wider community. Personal data and identity are not disclosed, as detailed in the Research Invitation and Consent Form. 

This project examines the processes and effects of various narrative activities. It is designed and coordinated by Dr. Chitat Chan, an Associate Professor at the Department of Social Work at Hong Kong Baptist University.

Participants will be invited to engage in certain narrative activities, such as face-to-face counseling conversations, public interviews, written presentations, online interviews, photo stories, etc., and they will also be invited to complete questionnaires. For specific information on the procedures and tasks involved in the activity you are invited to take part in, please refer to a separate document provided by Dr Chan. 

The information submitted by participants and the content of their responses during the Program are kept strictly confidential. The information will be stored in encrypted electronic form and the results will only be used for academic exchange. The information collected during the project will also be completely destroyed within three years of the completion of the study.

This consent form does not grant permission to share participants' stories on the humansWeb website. It applies solely to research and academic purposes. Data will be used anonymously, without revealing any personal identities. Should we wish to feature any stories in humansWeb's public initiatives, we will seek participants' consent through a separate online form. This form will detail the process for giving consent, explain the copyright policy, and outline how to request the removal of a story.

The study was reviewed by the Human Subject Ethics Committee of humansWeb Ltd. If you have any enquiries about this study, you can contact the Principal Investigator, Dr Chitat CHAN, by email (chitat@hkbu.edu.hk) or phone (+852 34112137).

  • I understand that the content I share and related digital data will be recorded, and I must fill in the questionnaire at different times.
  • I understand that my participation in this study is voluntary. If I choose to participate in this study, I may withdraw from the study at any time, and if I choose not to participate in or withdraw from this study, I will not be liable for this.
  • I understand that the information I submit and my responses to the project are kept strictly confidential and will be stored in encrypted electronic form. The results of the research will only be used for academic exchange purposes.
  • I understand that the information collected during the project period will also be completely destroyed within three years of the completion of the study.

If you choose to agree, you mean that:

  • You have read the relevant materials of the above study
  • You participate in the study on a voluntary basis
  • You are at least sixteen years of age