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非華語學生 Non-Chinese Speaking Students

簡介 Introduction

非華語 學生 是在香港居住 求學 的非華人少數族裔 學 生的統稱,籍裔包括尼泊爾、印度、巴基斯坦以及尼日利亞等。 有些 非華語學生於香港出生 ,其 家族 或已有幾代 移居香港生活 , 亦一批非華語學生跟父母屬新移民到港,剛開 始以香港為家 ( 葉一知 , 2013) 。 由於非華語 學生 自小成長於非華語的語境下,他們即使能操流利英語及粵語,但他們的中文能力普遍比華裔學生差,日後升學及就業均做成困難 (Cheung, 2015) 。除了語言障礙,非華語 學生 往往被標籤化,在社會上受到種族歧視,不被社會的主流群體所接納,繼而引致更多不同層面的邊緣化及不公平對待,例如 健 康 保健 服務、 成 長 發展的培 育、 使 用 康 樂 體 育 及應有的福 利等 ( 王家文 , 2018) 。

"Non-Chinese speaking students" is a collective term which refers to students of non-Chinese ethnic minorities living in Hong Kong including Nepali, Indian, Pakistan and Nigerian etc. Some of them are born in Hong Kong as their family has been living in Hong Kong for several generations. Some students and their parents are new immigrants to Hong Kong. In general, they take Hong Kong as their home ( 葉一知 , 2013) . Since they grow up in a non-Chinese speaking context, their Chinese proficiency is generally poor when compared to their Chinese peers even they are fluent in both English and Cantonese. Poor Chinese proficiency becomes a barrier to pursue further education and employment in the future (Cheung, 2015) . In addition to the language barriers, non-Chinese speaking students are often being stigmatized and discriminated for the society. Social isolation leads to further marginalization and inequality in different perspectives in terms of medical health services, cultivation of children and youth development, use of sports and Recreation and access to welfare etc ( 王家文 , 2018) .

作者/Author: Carmen K.M. Yau
中國滿清政府在1842年將香港島割讓給大英帝國成為殖民地,直到1997年,英國將香港主權移交中華人民共和國。在這百多年殖民地歷史中,人群從中國大陸及其他地區移居香港,因此“香港人”並不直接指涉特定族裔或國籍。然而,回歸後,華裔居民逐漸佔大多數,根據香港2016年的人口普查,92% 人口是華裔,其中31% 出生於中國大陸、臺灣或澳門。在5萬非華裔人口中,最大的族群是菲律賓人、印尼人和白人,分別占非華裔人口的31.5、26.2% 和10.0%,其他亞洲族群包括印度人、巴基斯坦人和尼泊爾人 (HKSAR, 2017)。

“香港人”一詞 在中文語境中使用多年,但英語專有名詞 “Hongkonger”則是在2014年才被《牛津英語詞典》正式收錄 (South China Morning Post, 2014)。“香港人”本身並不是法定用語,在政府文件中,通常被稱作“香港居民”。香港居民包括不同類型,例如:i) 非永久香港居民是指持有香港身份證但沒居留權的人士,ii) 香港永久居民是持有香港永久居民身份證及居留權的人士,iii) 大部份港人持有中國護照及香港永久居民身份證,iv) 也有部份港人持有香港永久居民身份證但並非持有中國護照 (HKSAR, 2019) 。

自1997年回歸20多年後,香港人的國族身份認同仍然是個未解決的問題。一項在2017年發佈的調查顯示,香港居民對“香港人”這身份的認同感最強,其次是其他國族文化身份,例如亞洲人、世界公民、中華民族、中國人等等。在所有身份選項中,香港居民對“中華人民共和國公民”的認同感最弱,這在18-29 年齡組中尤為明顯 (HKUPOP, 2017)。

有學者指出“中國公⺠”⼀直是個複雜多變的概念。沈旭輝 (2007) 認為中國⺠族主義是複雜⽽多元,⽽且往往是由下⽽上得到⼤陸公⺠⽀持。Zhao (2006) 指出⾃清朝以來,及⾄今天的中華⼈⺠共和國憲法,“中國⼈”這概念在官⽅定義中⼀直指涉多⺠族 (多元⼀體)。

Hong Kong became a colony of the British Empire after Qing Empire ceded Hong Kong Island in 1842, and its sovereignty was handed over from Britain to People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1997. For more than a hundred years in this British colony, people from mainland China and other parts of the world resided in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong people do not comprise of one particular ethnicity or nationality. After the 1997 handover, the proportion of ethnic Chinese has obviously increased, according to Hong Kong's 2016 census, 92% of its population is ethnically Chinese, with 31% were born in Mainland China, Taiwan or Macau. Among the 0.58 million non-Chinese, the largest ethnic groups in Hong Kong were Filipinos, Indonesians and Whites, constituting 31.5%, 26.2% and 10.0% of the non-Chinese population respectively, other south Asians include Indian, Pakistani, and Nepalese (HKSAR, 2017).

The Chinese term “xianggangren” has been used for years in Chinese contexts, but the English term “Hongkonger” has just recently been officially added to the Oxford English Dictionary in March 2014 (South China Morning Post, 2014). The term “Hongkonger” itself has no legal definition by the Hong Kong Government. More precise terms such as Hong Kong Permanent Resident and Hong Kong Resident are used in legal contexts, in which there are different types of Hong Kong residency, such as: i) non-permanent Hong Kong residents who are people holding Hong Kong Identity Cards but they have no right of abode, ii) permanent Hong Kong residents are those holding Hong Kong Permanent Identity Cards and having the right of abode, iii) most residents hold permanent Hong Kong Residents Identity Cards and Chinese passports, iv) but there are also permanent Hong Kong residents who do hold Chinese passport (HKSAR, 2019).

More than two decades after the 1997 handover, the subjective ethno-national identity of Hongkongers is still an unsettled issue. A 2017 survey showed that citizens continue to feel the strongest when identified as “Hongkongers”, then followed by a number of ethno-cultural identities, such as Asian, global citizens, Chinese, etc. The feeling of being “citizens of the PRC” is the weakest among all identity options, and this was particularly obvious in the 18-29 age group (HKUPOP, 2017).

Some scholars see that “Chinese” has always been a complex concept. Shen (2007) sees that Chinese nationalism is complicated and diverse, and it is often bottom-up, supported by mainland citizens. Zhao (2006) sees that the term Chinese has denoted multi-ethnicities and multi-nationalities since the Qing dynasty (diversity in unity, “duoyuanyiti).

新聞及政府資訊 News&Government Information

明報. (2018). 逾一成幼園明確拒收非華語兒童 平機會促教育局加強監察 或觸種族歧視條例. 明報.
王家文. (2018). 融樂會將赴日內瓦向聯合國申訴 促港府消除歧視讓少數族裔學好中文. 蘋果日報.
香港01. (2017). 【施政報告.觀點】欠「中文第二語言課程」 非華語學童困境依然. 香港01.
文中評論現時政策僅流於支援層面,未能解決少數族裔學習中文時面對的困境,就以中學文憑試為例,非華語學生可報考了「其他認可中國語文資歷」,但考核的只是初小程度,就連應付日常生活所需都不足。教育局制訂了「中國語文課程第二語言學習架構」,提供學習目標及教學示例,但不但沒為老師提供足夠的支援,亦無助非華語學生學習中文。 教育局另開辦一些職業導向的高中中文課程,但對小學及初中學生毫無幫助,而且課程欠缺認受性。文中建議政府委派專家,設計一套涵蓋中小學的「中國語文第二語言課程」以配合非華語學生需要。
葉一知. (2013). 爽通識:少數族裔面對的成長挑戰. 蘋果日報.
文中簡介香港少數族裔的定義及特徵,並描述少數族裔要面對的困難。非華語學生 學習中文困難,政府亦沒有足夠的支援政策,他們大多入讀以英語教育為主的「指定學校」,即使入讀主流學校,他們中文成績一直落後,難以升讀高中及大專,連就業也困難。他們的跨代貧窮亦很嚴重,少數族裔求學求職之路有限,他們常被標籤歧視,只能從事要求較低的低薪工作。
曾雪雯. (2018, 2018-12-14, January 01). 孟加拉裔少女邊讀大學、邊任立會議助. 香港01.
20歲的Bakar Fariha Salma Deiya(Barbie)是在香港土生土長的孟加拉人。操六國語言的她,說得一口流利廣東話。她身份多多,既是英文系大學生,也是英文導師與政府兒童事務委員會的非官方成員。某次,她在公開場合談起欲成為立法會議員的夢想,從此孟加拉少女多了一個身份──立法會內罕見的少數族裔議員助理。
(2019, 2019-03-01, December 23). 中大外籍學生大嘆學廣東話超難!扣分?求分?傻傻分不清. 香港01.
中大有外籍學生在大學Secrets專頁發文,指「香港人應知道外籍學生在學廣東話的時候,正承受些甚麼」(Hong Kongers have to know how international students are suffering to learn Cantonese)。貼文中附上羅馬拼音的漢字廣東話拼音,其他網民紛紛稱:對外國人而言太難了。
(2016, 2016-07-27, January 01). 難道我們的存在就是個問題?. 明報.
廖潔然、林振東. (2016, 2016-07-17, January 01). 大專入學成績換算機制不清 少數族裔考國際中文試 取佳績無所用. 香港01.
林可欣. (2017, 2017-08-20, January 01). 夢想港大讀醫 巴籍尖子中文得初小程度 入唔入到本地大學?. 香港01.
潘昌年原名不是姓「潘」,名字也非「昌年」,他其實叫Janis Khan,來自巴基斯坦。小子16歲時離鄉別井,為助他融入香港,學校老師以譯音為他取名潘昌年,他手寫的中文字像品學兼優的小學生,努力地讓字體工整,「小學生」原來明年就要上場考文憑試。
歐陽翠詩. (2018, 2018-11-13, January 01). 土生土長巴裔生考上社工系 讀到大學就有出路?. 香港01.
(2015, 2015-03-14, January 01). 少數族裔學中文 多數困苦無出路?. 智經研究中心.
在2014年5月,在香港就讀社工課程的印度裔學生Jeffrey Andrews,到日內瓦出席聯合國經濟、社會及文化權利委員會(Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights)的聽證會,游說委員會關注香港少數族裔的平等教育權利。問題放在國際會議枱上,究竟是甚麼原因?

影視作品 Movie and TV Series

鄺翠娟. (2013). 跨不過的障礙. 鏗鏘集.
少數族裔升學及就業的障礙是中文能力不足,土生土長的少數族裔在成長中欠缺學習語境,又常被誤解為欠學習動機,甚至是懶惰。政府一直沒有就少數族裔設立中文課程的架構及目標,老師的培訓不足,而各學校自有計劃去處理少數族裔學生的中文差異大,老師難施敎。融樂會批評,政府政策漠視少數族裔,香港社會漸著重中文的語言流通,新一代的 少數族裔人口漸多,政策如無改變,會造成更多社會問題。
拉闊新聞. (2018). 「第二語言課程」欠規劃 非華語學生中文原地踏步.
政府於2014年推行「中國語文第二語言學習架構」,每年撥款2億支援至少18萬名非華語學生融入主流中文課程,卻被教育界批評缺乏系統教材及師資培訓。有中學中文老師分享自己在沒有教授非華語學生的經驗下, 被安排為非華語學生設計教學課程,令他感到吃力。巴基斯坦裔學生自覺日常能用中文與人溝通,但讀寫中文依然是障礙。她指「綜合中等教育證書」程度簡單,未能反映實際的中文能力。關注少數族裔的組織建議 政府為少數族裔學生訂立完善的中文學習目標,助他們融入主流中文課程。
視點31. (2014). 少數族裔學中文. 視點31.
少數族裔因欠缺合適的中文教育,日後只能從事低技術工作,難以融入社會。短片討論《施政報告》每年撥款二億元的計劃,以改善他們的中文基礎。 受訪的碧樺依表示,根據聯合國的定義,少數族裔屬小眾,法律保障並不足。
香港電台. (2016). 一個也不能少.

學術文章 Academic Papers

Cheung, F. et al. (2015). Academic and career expectations of ethnic minority youth in Hong Kong. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 35(8), 1092–1107.
This study applied the Social-Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) to illustrate how academic and career expectations of ethnic minority youth are affected by their family background (i.e. parents’ occupations) and school experience (i.e. experience in learning Chinese and other activities). Their efficacy in learning Chinese is crucial to their planning and expectations on education and career.
Hue, M. & Kennedy, K. J. (2013). Building a connected classroom: teachers’ narratives about managing the cultural diversity of ethnic minority students in Hong Kong secondary schools. Pastoral Care in Education, 31(4), 292–308.
This study interviewed 24 secondary teachers to explore their narratives on how they cater such cultural diversities of students from East Asia and other Asian counties. It suggested further training for teachers should be focusing on flexibility in adapting different teaching strategies, reinforcing harmony and discipline in classroom as well as strengthening collaboration with families.
Law, K. & Lee, K. (2012). The myth of multiculturalism in “Asia”s world city’: Incomprehensive policies for ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 5(1), 117–134.
Although the Hong Kong government tried to build its multi-cultural image to the world, the majority of local Hongkongers do not accept newcomers from South Asian due to a lack of government policy on education of local citizens as well as insufficient resources for ethnic minorities, particularly on their wellbeing and cultural identities.
Law, K. & Lee, K. (2013). Socio-political embeddings of South Asian ethnic minorities’ economic situations in Hong Kong. Journal of Contemporary China, 22(84), 984–1005.
This study provided a theoretical framework to explore the economic profile of South Asian ethnic minorities in Hong Kong in terms of colonization, industrialization and globalization era. Tension between Hong Kong Chines and ethnic minorities alleviated when the colonial government developed education and important policies mainly for Hong Kong Chinese. As a result, ethnic minorities constantly encounter inequality in the labour market, which further resulted in structural inequality.

書籍 Books

陳錦榮 、 梁旭明. (2016). 認識香港南亞少數族裔.
本書從法律和媒體角度 ,並 附以個案 ,闡 述 香 港南亞裔 移 民的生活經驗 ,分 析《種族歧視條例》 對他 們 的權力保障,以及 主流媒體呈現南亞族群 的形 象 。
郭儉 、 羅金義. (2017). 獅子山下的南亞小企業.
香 港 不 少南亞小企業 同樣抱著 「獅子山」 精 神 , 在香港的商業世界中打拚 ,此書 以多元文化的角 度去看香 港 的 族裔經濟、移民的社會融合以及南亞移民政策 。
莫逸風. (2007). 小童.大同︰香港少數族裔兒童的世界.
此書 揭示香港少數族裔小朋友的故事,以攝影、童畫、文字分享他們的內心世界, 並揭示 貧窮 及 歧視等不平等問題。

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